Robert DeSteno
Co-Founder and Executive Chairman
Bob is the co-founder and Executive Chairman of Archive360. He has an extensive background in business strategy and M&A, as well as growing organizations through sales, marketing, and channel development. Bob has been working in the data governance industry for 20 plus years and co-founded Archive360 in 2012. Prior to this, he ran sales and channel operations for a number of global software companies including Mimosa Systems, Iron Mountain, Autonomy, HP, Computron, and AXS-One.
Through the unqualified success of the original Archive2Anywhere migration product solution and now the Archive360 Unified Data Governance platform – the first of its kind cloud-native information governance, records management and data compliance solution - Bob has established Archive360 as the industry leader for highly scalable, secure, compliant governance and optimization of data in the cloud. Building on this achievement and utilizing his hard-earned commercial and entrepreneurial skills, Bob has been able to quickly move the company to the next level. Married with two children, he currently resides in Florida and is a passionate Yankees fan and enjoys training the stars of tomorrow as a little league coach.