Don’t Let Database Growth Degrade Application Performance.

Transform Your Data Management Strategy with Proactive Data Archiving Solutions.


Offload historical data from applications enterprise wide

The Archive360 platform’s agents listen for changes in application data and automatically ingest the earlier data leaving only the latest data in the database, enabling:

  • Optimal application performance.
  • Lower storage, backup, and compute costs.
  • Cross-system visibility and control over all your organization’s data (structured, semi-structured, and unstructured).

Preserve data quality

Data is ingested into the Archive360 platform in its native, unstructured format together with metadata. The data is deduplicated, validated, indexed, and sensitive data encrypted so it can be trusted, easily found, and protected. Operational domains can query, process, and aggregate their analytical data from multiple sources. SQL queries structure the data to the analytical model so it can be:

  • Associated with other data.
  • Fed into predictive models.
  • Used to create visualizations that provide valuable insights.

Accelerate data discovery

Archive360’s platform is powered by a highly scalable architecture in both performance – to process data fast – and capacity – to manage petabytes of data, enabling you to:

  • Find the right information quickly and easily.
  • Cull and save results on multiple levels.
  • Tag, annotate, and manage results in cases to guide query and analytical report development.
  • Adjust search and query performance to meet your schedule and budget.

Ensure Data Compliance

Manage and harness the value of your data.