Loyola University Maryland Migrates away from Enterprise Vault

Company Overview

Loyola University recently made the decision to move its on-premises Exchange email services, including its Enterprise Vault email archive, to the new modern Microsoft Office 365.  The Enterprise Vault server held a total of 4 TBs of archive data that had to be moved.


The Challenge

Upon examination of the legacy Enterprise Vault Server it was discovered that the EV server was installed on an old 2003 x86 server which meant it would be especially slow and difficult to add more resources to the server. After examination of the archive data, they discovered they would have to deal with very small batches that would extend the project beyond the estimated timeline.


The Solution

Loyola’s partner, NetMail, introduced them to Archive360. Archive360’s email archive migration solution, FastCollect for Archives, allowed them to directly extract the data without needing to worry about the health state of Enterprise Vault using a new, more powerful x64 bit server. This more powerful server also allowed them to rehydrate the stubbed emails into Exchange “on the fly” to ensure their users had a trouble-free user experience.


The Results

“The Archive360 FastCollect for Archives solution performed very well and helped us to achieve our goals in a good time frame,” said Oleg Manko, Senior Systems Engineer. “Once the system was set-up it did not require any administration work. The reports were very useful and user friendly.”